Journey of Journey's!

If we construct our theology (thoughts about God) without reference to the testimony of others, aren't we saying in effect that the witness of other Christians, past and present is of no use to us?If we do this we must be brilliant enough or spiritual enough to have no need of comparing our journey with those held by the body of Christ through out the ages. It appears that many in Christianity now believe that their personal understandings are the base line of their faith.That raises the question of whether we want to trust our own way-making ability in this journey of journeys? This Journey of Journey's is far too important to be trusted to the feelings and rational thoughts of one person, one generation, or one culture.Creating a personal theology out of private experience is at its foundation, flawed.We must recover the notion that Christianity is a revealed religion. It is rooted in the belief that God spoke out of heaven. We did not create our faith. We believe that the deposit of faith has remained true from age to age and it has a binding interpretation in every generation and in every culture.Because we believe that the Christian faith is a revealed religion, we can not attempt to bend it or make it compatible with our present circumstances. We must come to this "faith" in order to submit our present circumstances and culture to its divine authority.As I write this post I realize that the tsunami of relativism has already crashed onto the shores of our faith. It is too late to prepare; the wave has already come ashore.  Everything that was not rooted in ancient truths are lying in total destruction.The devastation is real. The choice is obvious! We must not lean to our own understandings but we must rely on the God that has revealed Himself through out the ages.Ours is the Journey of Journey's ... and that journey began long, long ago !!! 


Principalities and Powers are coming down!


Every Sunday is a Celebration of Resurrection!