Principalities and Powers are coming down!

Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Our battle is with spiritual forces of evil that rule over systems and structures that would destroy humanity. However, those spiritual forces of evil manifest and work through human beings to destroy other human beings.Goliath represented forces of evil that stood opposed to God's people. Once Goliath fell, so did the power of that evil system and structure that stood against the people of God.Is is a stretch to first of all understand that we fight not against any one person or people group? However, is it hard to understand that Goliath represented spiritual opposition?Is it really confusing to us as covenant people to see that even in our day there are "principalities and powers" that are trying to destroy God's people? And can we not rejoice when the Goliath's are removed and God's people are allowed to once again move forward?I sense that this is a great moment in our life time!  There is a shaking in the "principalities and powers."If we unite we could see a great turning point in this generation. I wonder if we are Christian enough to recognize what is truly happening?The Church can either listen to the political voices and remain divided and impotent or they can hear the prophetic cry of David and be victorious!  


As for you also.... (from prayer this morning)


Journey of Journey's!