7 Areas of Life!

1. SPIRITUAL2 FAMILY3. PHYSICAL4. MENTAL5. FINANCIAL6. SOCIAL7. CAREERA few days ago I shared these areas with some friends of mine at coffee on Wednesday. One of them asked me to post them..... so here go it goes!Many years ago a mentor of mine suggested that I evaluate each of these areas of my life! So on a scale of 1 - 10 how ya doing, he would ask? I would realize that I was  doing OK on several and not so well on others.He was quick to show me that meant I was trying to roll on a flat tire. No matter how well career, spiritual, financially sound I was ...  if I was deflated in other areas the wheel of my life would not roll well.I have realized that it is better to work on  every area more consistently and together than to merely excel in a few areas.What do you think?


Be Filled with "His" Ability


Worship is all about seeing God!