Henry Blackaby said, "We've become satisfied today to live with out the manifest presence of God." Man, that struck me.... I know that Christ is always with me, He is every where, but I tend to forget that He desires to reveal Himself in tangible ways, everyday. The Christian life after all is a divine-human encounter! As I was praying  the Holy Spirit, "nudged" me again to expect the supernatural to manifest in my own life and in yours!I think that one of our greatest challenges right now is this anti-supernatural bias that has emerged within our Christian culture. This paradigm will only be resolved as we have a fresh encounter with the living God.For the most part we don't have a problem believing in a supernatural God of the past -- that's history. We also have the confidence to believe He will someday return supernaturally powerful in glory for His church -- that's our assured hope. We struggle, however, to believe He can actually reveal His power in our daily lives!I sat with a group of leaders who identified their greatest problem as 'resources.' It struck me so profoundly that I have spent hours seeking the Lord, not only on their behalf but mine as well .... and what I've come to understand is that our problem is not 'resources' but rather our lack of supernatural empowering.Jesus made it very clear in Acts 1:8, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;..." Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it (John 14:12-13)The risen exalted Lord of all, the Head of the church, wants to do through us only that which God can do. You and I can't make it happen, but He can, and He wants to --- through you. Just look at those verses again. "And" of the 13 verse may be one of the most important connecting words in the Scriptures.  Notice that "because I go unto my Father. And whatever you shall ask .... that will I do..." He is the one who does it not you or me. He repeats Himself. "If you ask any thing in my name, I will do it." Generally homes are wired for electricity! They are built with the capability of receiving and dispensing electrical power through out the home. But someone must flip a switch, turn a knob or plug it in....! I has dawned on me that to sit in a house that has the capability to receive the benefits of electrical power and not utilize it would be silly. And yet nearly everyday we who have Christ living in us never make use of the very supernatural power that is available to us."If you ask any thing in my name, I will do it."Like Blackaby said, "We've become satisfied today to live with out the manifest presence of God." Well, I'm not satisfied anymore.... I want to live in the "manifested presence" (to make evident or certain by showing or displaying)! Let's "ask" .... ask for the power, the supernatural, the fullness of Christ to be revealed in our daily lives. Lets flip the switch!

It really is time past time to live a "HIGH-VOLTAGE LIFE" 


CAN DOGS GO TO HEAVEN? Just for fun!!!!
