"And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." (Acts 11:26). The word "Christian" was probably a term that was meant to demean the disciples at Antioch by the secular community around them. Perhaps they were accusing the disciples of attempting to be "little Christs," that is, imitators of Christ. Maybe we should pray that the secular world would accuse us of also being imitators of Christ.If I have learned anything in the last 30 years it is that God is always at work. He desires a people through whom He can work. When people join God in His supernatural activity, the plan and work of God are accomplished by His power; therefore, He receives the glory. God's work is always supernaturally accomplished.When God uses what appears to be "nothing" to achieve "something", it is certain He will receive the glory. In Joshua 6 we read about the supernatural defeat of the walled city of Jericho. The plan appeared foolish in human terms; but God's ways are higher than ours. The people marched around the city, and God destroyed the walls and gave them victory.Pentecost marks the beginning and the empowering of the New Testament church. It marks the unique transformation in the lives of the disciples of the early church. After Pentecost we see "High-Voltage Christianity." We must encounter and experience this same empowering if we too are to be bold-witnesses and become "High-Voltage Christians."Paul prayed that we would all be filled up! (Eph. 3:19 )Filled to the very "fullness" of Christ, (Col. 1:19). The "promise of the Father"  (Acts 1:4, Luke 11:13), is that the Holy Spirit would empower you to become all that Christ died to make you be.One of my very favorite scriptures is, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, ..... (Eph. 3:20-21). We are called to receive and live in the very power, the very fullness of Christ or in other words in the "supernatural" !!!!Now that is "HIGH-VOLTAGE LIVING." 




He called me Friend!