Cars "2" the greatest story of all!!!!

I watch the sun rise, listen as the breeze awakens the birds and I prepare for another day of living! And yet this day of life will be awash with grief. A friends Dad is slipping past the veil, a long good life and yet tears fill the room where he lays. Yesterday another friend was taken in a horrible accident. Last week a motorcycle left another one limping. The heat will take its toll again today and the fear of economic crisis hangs in the atmosphere like a heavy fog.The word that Christ spoke resonates in my ears, no in my heart, "The thief comes to steal, kill, and to destroy, I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." (John 10:10).Far to often we have relegated  "life" to something that begins after death! In the midst of all the challenges of this life we fail to embrace the very "zoe" that we have been united too. If you are any thing like the rest of us, surrounded by all this pain you begin to wander "where is the life"?The further down this journey I go the more I realize that God created us to live. Not only to live but to live "abundantly." To "enjoy" life to its very fullest extent! I am reminded this morning as creation awakens to another day, that I too must awaken to "this life"! All the things that are happening are the attempts of another, not of God's design, to steal, to kill and to destroy  the very "life" that Jesus came to restore.I remember reading somewhere, "Thing are not what they seem. This is a world at war. Each of us has a crucial role to play." I think I get it .... again!The stuff that you and I are going through are not what they appear, there is more going on than we can actually take in. There is a battle raging against us, an enemy of our souls! And finally you are more vital to the cause that you ever imagined.I just watched "Cars 2".... I know you think thats corny, but wait! "Mater", the old wreck truck, (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) saved the day! During the whole story Mater did not really see what was going on, for a long time he didn't understand that there was an enemy out to harm he and his friends, and it was so difficult for him to think that he could really make a difference. But in the end he was the hero!The story line never changes much! It is the epic story of all mankind, what we see is not the whole story of our lives, far too often we fail to understand we are in a battle, and we never really appreciate the role that we have been assigned. We actually live life about half awake, unconscious of the life that we have been given.St. Irenaeus said it so well, "The glory of God is man fully alive." When man lives aware of and in response to the "life" that God has bestowed upon him the glory of God is revealed.Yes I am surrounded and must face several things today that are painful and tragic, however I am not confused nor deterred from the reality that God has given me and those around me "His life." And yes it is eternal, but more than that it is "full, abundant and absolutely full of joy."There is so much more going on today that I have yet to embrace. And I will resist the enemy of my life and I will fulfill all that this day has in store for me....So I guess I calling you to "live" !!!! Live every moment to its fullest!!!!


Twice as much!


Schools of Love