Twice as much!

 I am spent the day with a group of teenagers who have been helping the people in Joplin, Mo., recover from the tornado that struck their community. Their lives have been affected by the place and the people who have endured this tragedy. My heart is warmed by their stories and their struggle to understand why these things happen. "Why did some die and some not"? Their questions cause me to reflect on my own life! I realize that their questions are really the questions that we all ask from time to time.Tonight, I am praying for Haiti as a tropical storm threatens that nation again. I am mourning the passing of one of my dear mentors Jessie Simmons. I am praying for a friend whose Dad is slipping past the veil. I am praying for Pastor Derek as he comforts the family  of one of the men who was killed in the explosion in Butler county earlier this week. Last week a motorcycle accident hurt my friend Charles. I am praying for Karen to have strength after a very tough summer. My dear friend Sonny needs a lung transplant... my prayer list is long!I honestly look to the Lord with the same simple questions as my young friends! And yet in the midst of these questions, my heart is warmed by His Presence! I don't have answers, but I know that He is working in every "situation" and every heart! I think of Job.... in the midst of the trial or in other words, mess....  answers were vague and elusive, but in the end... well now there is the real story.... "Twice as much...."God restores "twice as much", the enemy thought he had won, but things were not as they seemed!


The Path of Life


Cars "2" the greatest story of all!!!!