Convergent Spirituality!!!!

"Convergent" means - "tending to move toward one point or to approach each other."For many years the Church seemed to be moving in separate directions all the while claiming to be headed to the same destination. It is my belief that if we are moving towards the same destination we are also approaching one another.I was raised in a Pentecostal expression! And I am very grateful for the truths that are found within this tribe, of the Church. My journey however, brought Pete, a dear friend into my life. Pete was raised in and ministers within the Lutheran Church. And you know what, the richness of truth that I experienced within this tribe, enlarged my faith in ways that would never have happened within my Pentecostal tribe.That was 30 years ago! The truths of both traditions exploded in my life. Slowly, year by year I have enjoyed this journey of discovery. There are buried treasures in every tribe of Christianity. And for far too long we have been robbed of these treasures due to our isolation within our own tribes.My "Faith" has been formed by a journey of discovery within the fullness of the Church and not within the confines of one particular preference. Our "Faith" so many times lacks a fullness because of the limited view, that one particular "tribe" has subscribed too.To "converge"  means - "tending to move toward one point or to approach each other.""The Faith" is so much richer and fuller when we journey together and not separately.  Convergent Spirituality is an attempt to walk not only towards a final destination, but also to walk in  unity and fellowship with every Christian that is moving towards Christ!Evangelicals, Pentecostals, Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox.... each of these tribes have great heritages and great traditions, but only in unity is the fullness of the Church ever realized. My desire is to encounter  all the fullness of the Christ on this journey!


Living in "the Way"!!!


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