Preparing for marriage!!!!

 I've had the wonderful privilege of watching two daughters marry. Both were absolutely awesome experiences. As I have reflected on the process I have realized just how intensely both of them prepared themselves for their husbands.Of course there was the dress, and dresses, flowers, colors, candles .... all of the pieces to the presentation. But after further contemplation I have come to appreciate what each of them did personally. I remember the weeks (Ok, months) of tanning! Then there was the choice of nail color, hair color, cut and style. And the search for just the right makeup... eyeshadow, lip gloss, foundation, things I will never understand! All of this preparation for their would be husband the groom!Esther. 2:12 ¶ Each young woman’s turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had completed twelve months’ preparation, according to the regulations for the women, for thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women. Esther. 2:13 Thus prepared, each young woman went to the king,.....All of this has me contemplating just what type of preparations we are going through for our King? Are we spending our lives "preparing" to be His Bride?  I wonder if we are focused on the wrong things? Perhaps preparing to be in His Presence is our greatest calling!In my own heart I have begun to realize that the Holy Spirit is here anointing us and preparing us for an upcoming wedding.I watched with great honor as my daughters were presented to their husbands. The attention to detail, the desire to be glorious was and remains inspiring! Remembering and reflecting have served to encourage me to live constantly preparing for my own wedding!!!!How about you.... are you preparing ????


Your meaning???


Living in "the Way"!!!