Taking a walk....

 Hunger for God is one of the greatest signs of life a person can have. It reveals an inner awareness of a greater destiny. Many have some concept of God's presence but they have not true interaction or encounter with Him. We must press past intellectual awareness to a hunger for heartfelt tangible encounters that change and transform us!!!!A desire in itself is a great testimony that there is more, and the simple fact that we search for and seek after more of God encourages all of us... It is nearly impossible to hunger for something that does not exists. I love chocolate because I have tasted chocolate. I love ice cream because I have tasted ice cream.  I seek and desire and am hungry for God's Presence because I have experienced and encounter Him in moments that are overwhelming....One of my favorite verses in the whole Bible is "He who loves Me.... I will love him and manifest Myself to him." (John 14:21 nkj).This promise is to every generation and to every individual and in every moment of our lives. I have listened as many teachers have tried to limit this promise to a people and to a time. But the truth is that God has shows not favoritism, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and furthermore there is no private prophetic fulfillment, meaning you can receive that promise personally.It is clear in that verse that God reveals Himself to those who "love Him." The striving is over!!!! No performance is required. David's great love for God led him to discover the truth that God will be found by those who seek Him."Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" (Psalms 37:7). The word rest used  here has a couple of meanings; first, "to be still" or "to take a leisure walk". I instantly think of Adam and Eve walking in the Garden with the Lord.This picture of "rest" illustrates that true "rest" is found in a right relationship with God. A relationship that involves or is based on "being with" God in the knowledge that He is caring and providing for you all the time so that you can be "with Him."Much of our Christian teaching leads people to work for God's attention and favor instead of teaching them to trust in God's love and mercy. Thus people become so exhausted working for God that there's little strength to work "with" God.I has taken years of my life to learn to work "from" God and not "for" God.My hunger for the Lord grows with every passing day.... a hunger to walk with, to wait for, to encounter His Presence in the midst of the journey. This resting is much more than taking a day off or doing nothing.... it is literally "taking a leisurely walk" with the Lord every day of my life. He is leading and He is providing and thus the journey is filled with great Joy!!!!


Check your radar!!!


Stay on the right Path!!!