Check your radar!!!

Nearly every day I check my weather app! I truly love checking the "radar." Right in my hand I can see any clouds or storms that might be approaching! For those of us who have grown up in Tornado country this is amazing. First Alert information truly saves thousands of lives.As I checked the "radar" this morning the Lord spoke to me about "spiritual storms."You and I are always in a spiritual battle. This battle is not a matter of us struggling all the time, however it is a matter of being aware that the battle is going on every minute of our lives. The enemy's greatest advantage over the children of God is his consistency, as opposed to our inconsistency. Christians are notoriously inconsistent in their devotion to the Lord and thus are unprepared for the spiritual weather that is always brewing.Satan is relentless in his attacks because he utterly hates us. He desires our complete destruction. I've often thought that it would be nice if the devil would leave us alone when we are going through rough times. But he doesn't and he won't. He always fights dirty.Spiritual warfare, (spiritual storms) demands our alertness --  a constant vigilance towards the enemy's activities. This alertness is much like my "radar app." ! The mere presence of radar is often enough to discourage the attack of enemy planes.Churchill said something to the effect that Radar didn't win the war, but Radar won the battles that allowed the war to be won.In the same way our constant awareness of the enemy's movements can often times save thousands of spiritual lives.There is a storm of "high pressure" that has slowly moved in on Christians. This "high pressure" system is depressing, and discouraging many of our brothers and sisters. A sense of hopelessness, of helplessness is paralyzing many!More and more we see the victims of systems over which we have no direct control. This is the source of the sense of hopelessness. Jobs are being lost, health care is out of control, homes are being foreclosed, government are collapsing... and there is nothing in the natural that we can do!!!!We must remember that we are "not carnal" but we are spiritual beings and we can call out to God for help in our "time of need"....For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD to the pulling down of strong holds (SPIRITUAL STORMS); casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself agianst the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (II Cor. 10:3-5 KJV). Prayer is our response to "spiritual storms" that arise on our radar screens... perhaps we need to check our "spiritual app" and respond with the appropriate prayer!!!! 


The "David" within you!!!!


Taking a walk....