The "David" within you!!!!

Michelangleo was one of history’s greatest sculptors, a man who could transform a solid block of marble into lifelike form that had never been seen. How could Michelangleo carve “David” from a giant block of stone that was so damaged that his contemporaries considered it “ruined” and “a thing of no value?”  The answer is simple. Michelangleo looked at the stone and saw his David locked inside.Michelangleo believed that in each block of stone there was a figure hidden inside, wanting to be revealed. For Michelangleo, the sculptor’s job was to clear away what was not the image and reveal the masterpiece inside the stone.What Michelangleo cared about the most -- was to glorify God! He beleived that man was created in God’s image and that in rendering God’s highest creation as perfectly as possible, he was glorifying God.These two truths apply to each of us! You are a “masterpiece” that simply needs to be revealed by clearing away all that is not you -- the fears, beliefs, and wishes that others have imposed on you, the negative stories that you tell about yourself, the attitudes that defeat you before you begin.The life of Michelangleo holds some powerful lessons for our lives! No mattter what your situation, no matter how hard it seems, hidden inside of you there is a masterpiece!In order to release that masterpiece, to achieve the breakthroughs that will lead you to an exraordinary life you must look deep within yourself and see the very image of God that is hidden within your soul.Your life is not “ruined”! There is a “David” inside of you! This is the moment to clear away that which is hiding the art of the real you!


The Power of "Story"... (don't miss this one)


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