Yes it is "April Fools"!!!

There is no better day for Palm Sunday to fall upon than April Fool’s Day.Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem is a classic “April Fool” experience.Yes, I’m in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.... I feel a bit foolish ...! I thought everyone would understand why I'm here. April Fool!Jesus instructs his disciples to go and commit the first-century equivalent of “grand theft auto.” Go get me a donkey. “Borrowing” a valuable animal, was frowned upon and punished in first century Palestine as seriously as horse-thieving was in the Old West. Just say, “The Lord needs it.”Then watch what happenes,... they strip down and look undignified and under-dressed, in order to honor a scriptural image of the messiah. They knew the significance of their master riding a young colt into Jerusalem. This was a statement of kingship, of deliverance, of prophetic fulfillment.Other Passover pilgrims traveling into Jerusalem got into the spirit of Jesus’ procession. Some of them also peeled off their cloaks and dared to bare their backs in a state of crowd enthusiasm. Others chanted “hosanna” and lay down branches for their combined procession into the city. For everyone in this crowd — Jesus, his disciples, the mixed multitude of travelers — the destination is the same, the spiritual center of Judaism, the Temple. Obviously something wonderful is about to happen.April Fool.How willing are you to become an “April Fool” for Christ? Are you willing to admit that you are part of a truly “foolish” family?It is not without the “foolish factor” that Jesus Christ is also known as the “Son of David.” King David is the backbone of Judaism, the patriarch of Israel’ identity, the lineage for the Messiah.King David is also the one who stripped naked so he could dance for joy before the Lord. David happily divested himself of all his “kingly” attributes and attire, of everything and anything that might have distinguished him as royal or special or unique.David danced unhampered and unadorned by any human attachments.David danced naked before the Lord so that he could be fully present before God’s presence.God’s prophets routinely made “fools” of themselves.Isaiah stomped around naked and barefoot for three years (Isaiah 20:1-6);Jeremiah wore a ruined loincloth (ewh!!) (Jeremiah 13:1-11); wore an oxen yoke around his neck (Jeremiah 28:1-17), and bought land occupied by the enemy (a truly BAD investment) (Jeremiah 32:1-15);Ezekiel ate up scrolls of written words — not a low carb diet (Ezekiel 2:1-3:3);Hosea married a prostitute and named their children after God’s judgments (Hosea 1:2-2:1).The Pharisee Saul of Taurus became Paul the Apostle.If we get all “dressed up” on Easter Sunday, then Palm Sunday should be the time we get “dressed down,” the time we “get naked.” Wave palm fronds in the parking lot — even when cars are driving by.Take a risk at caring about someone who is truly risky. Go out on a limb. Take the path usually not taken.  Don’t’ be afraid to be naked. To be on parade. To be different.To be a follower of the One who never flinched when it came to being a fool for God, is to be an April Fool for Christ. Will you be just that? An April Fool for Christ?Yes, I’m in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday! Why? To stand with Israel! To be Present! To say “I believe in you and in God”! “To pray for the Peace of Jerusalem”!!! To dress down and draw attention to HIM!Whose “fool” am I ..... His!I hope you have a great day... “undressing for the Lord.” Dance, and waving palm leaves, just being a fool for Him.Shalom


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