The Greatest Site of All!

I prayed in Gethsemane, Annunciation, Upper Room, West Wall, Galillee, Holy Sepulcher, and many other great Holy Land sites! But I was not prepared for this little stop, this site was not on any of the tourist papers. We turned and walked up two flights of stairs, unlocked the door of a little apartment it was just above the street.You could hear the sounds coming from the street in fact, it was very busy, talking, laughing, the occasional horn sounded! But inside this little converted apartment a handful of people gathered to share their hearts and to pray with and for each other. They each told me how this place was an answer to their prayer.All over this city there are houses of worship, holy sites, synoguages, and temples. But they are all busy with tourist and assorted groups. Here in this little converted living room they shared their burdens, sang songs and prayed for each other.Here in this little insignificant room, with ordinary people, the Presence of God came with a raw, sweet, intimacy that I had not experienced anywhere else. Here, where a few gathered not to remember or mark a spot of land or history, but to meet with the Lord, here He was.Face to Face! Opening all He is to each of us! His Presence comforted, exhorted, uplifted each one of us. It was as if we were transcended above all that was around and for a few moments there was nothing but Him.This unmarked, forgotten place, was where I did not want to leave. I walked away with my little group, turned left, then right, and then left again. I would never be able to find that little place again. Tears ran down my face, I wanted to run back.... yes, back and well mark the spot, build a 'booth'.... !!!!Thank you Father! Thank you, for reminding me! "Where two or three are gathered in Your Name, there You are...." Unveiled, Open handed, Reaching out to greet us in our time of need!Prayer!!!! It is our highest calling! It is taking place here! In little unknown places, by unknown people, who grope to discover each other and search for places to pray... there, right there, the King of Glory manifests!Pray... Pray...Pray... for the Peace of Jerusalem! 


First be reconciled....Matt. 5:24


Yes it is "April Fools"!!!