Pelgianism ???? what???

Pelgianism is so rampant in the Christian life today! It is the notion that we can achieve, or merit our own redemption, to think that salvation depnds on us. Of course, we know that holiness, heaven, cannot be earned but only given to one who humbly admits that he needs God desparately and can never win divine favor on his own merits.Pelagianims stems from an embeded "pride", the opposite of humility. Pride is the exaltation of human ability. Humility is the opening up of the human soul to the very unconditional love of God.Over the years I have seen this disease work within the church, but I had no language or understanding of what it really was until recently. And even after reading and studying I wasn't really sure I understood it. The one afternoon, I was listening as a young minister was lamenting over his congregation. "No matter what I seem to do or say," he cried, "they just don't change, I feel like I have a mandate to save them and this church, but I'm unable to do it."I prayed with him, and encouraged him. And for several months I mediated on what he was saying. A few weeks ago I was writing in my journal. I did not catch it at first, but later as I was re-reading my own thoughts I was captivated by these words: "I am worried about a young man who feels he is the Church's savior. The Church happens to already have one."The truth of these words gripped my heart. Many stuggle to do, to achieve what has already been accomplished through Jesus. When we see things that trouble us in the church or in the world we somehow are motivated to "fix it". How prideful!Through these last few months of my life I have again been awakened to the reality that Jesus is our Savior. The "Savior" of the world. The Lamb that takes away the sin of the world.Humility is the clothing of those who know the Savior! Humbly walking in His Unconditional Love, Mercy and Grace! Having freely received we are called to freely give! We are not to be the 'savior' but to be 'saved ourselves.' Saved by His Grace!I was talking with one of my sons the other evening and he made a statement that has stuck in my spirit: "Dad, lots of people go around asking other people to pay for what they got for free."Pelgianism is the notion that we can achieve, or merit our own redemption, to think that salvation depnds on us... this kind of thinking leads us to think that others need to do something in order to receive God's Grace. They need to stop this or start that or jump this way or.... etc, etc. etc... This suggests that there is a cost that we can somehow pay by our own means. Lord help us!To humbly bow and to humbly walk in the "Saviors Gift" that is our calling! To reveal what we have freely received..... humbly!!! 


Spiritual Awakening!!!


Walk in the Spirit