Spiritual Awakening!!!

Th church many times has not risen to engage in the powerful God-given authority to proclaim and demonstrate the works of Jesus! Far to often we fail to display God's supernatural Presence! Far too often we fail to teach believers about the spiritual realm. God is supernatural! He transencds the laws of nature.Denying or minimizing the reality of the spiritual realm will limit our ability to live in the freedom that has been given us by the Father. We will never live in the powerful and the abundant life that Jesus came to give us if we remain ignorant of the spiritual reality.You many do not believe in or have even heard much about the spiritual reality of Christianity. You can become more than you are right now! Does it surprise you to know that through Jesus Christ you have the power to live a victorious and overcoming life? Are you aware that through Christ you can actually be a winner?Victory is never automatic. You can rise above and conquer every circumstance of the enemy! You will however be forced to "wake up" to the supernatural spiritual realm of the Kingdom of God. This is the moment and you are the person who can "step forward" and experience victory!Over the last few months I have experienced an "awakening" in my own life! The ironic thing about sleep is that you don't know when you are! I mean, think about it.... there is not this voice in your head going, "hey, you are alseep, did you know you are alseep?" No, you don't really know when you are asleep!A large part of the church remains asleep "spiritually." Unaware of the reality of the "Spiritual power" that is available to them right now! We have been called and empowered to advance the Kingdom of God. You and I  have been given authority over the kingdom of darkness (Matthew 28:18-20). It is a battle for control. It is impossible to engage in this battle if you are asleep.The conflict in the entire universe is over who will have authority -- God or satan. Spiritual warfare exists. The future hopes and dreams of the entire world and every human being are connected to this battle. Jesus has been given "all authority", however satan wants to seduce humanity into thinking that he still has control. The truth is that when Jesus died without sin, He vanquished satan. All of satan's legal claims against man were wiped out. The war was won!God's authority has been restored! When we surrender our lives to Christ, His authority becomes ours. Jesus did not defeat satan for Himself, but for you and I. His entire ministry was for His Bride, the church.You, can walk in the authority of Christ right now! You are a child of the Most High God. Jesus has given you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, however He will never force you to use them. You could never have done what He did. And He will not do what He has commanded you to do.You and I, the church, is here right now to establish and enforce His authority in our lives and in the community in which we live. I want to encourage each of you to "wake up" to the spiritual gifts that are yours right now!Stay tuned for more..... 


Christ put an end to the "Blame Game"


Pelgianism ???? what???