Christ put an end to the "Blame Game"

I've been thinking.....As I read the account of the blind man in John chapter 9, I begin to realize that God came to put an end to the "Blame Game." You remember the story.....  "Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”"Human beings are always consumed with this question, "whose to blame?" I remember years ago coming upon an car wreck. There were already several people gathered around the car. I knew that the car had gotten the worse end of this deal. As I walked down the ditch towards the scene I slowly, like a man in a fog realized I knew this car. I began to run towards the car. In the car was my little sister, she was in a lot of pain.As I pushed past the people, and leaned into the car someone in the crowd asked, "Should we call the police?" I will never forget my own voice, elevated, tense I shouted out "call the ambulance." I learned something right there, "I didn't care who was to blame, my sister needed help."Our culture cares more about who is to blame than the fact that someone is hurt. As long as we play that game, no one will ever be helped. In the midst of a crisis what difference does it make?As long as we focus on "who is to blame the blindness will persist." Notice that in this story from John, the blind man never spoke. Other people spoke, Jesus spoke, but the blind man never said a word. Have you ever had others talk about you? Talk around you? Act like they know something about you that you don't even know yourself? Have you ever had others act like they were an expert about your life?Thank God Jesus knows how to answer for me,  "Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him."  How you ended up where you are, how you are, only Jesus knows. The world is consumed with "blame" but Jesus has come to work a work in you life that even you are not going to understand. "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work."Jesus came to take the blame!!!!Jesus came to reveal His glory in our lives. A glory that will so transform us that those who spoke over us will not even recognize us.  "Therefore the neighbors and those who previously had seen that he was blind said, “Is not this he who sat and begged?” Some said, “This is he.” Others said, “He is like him.” ¶ He said, “I am he.”Over my life I have come to understand that the world in which I life is consumed with laying blame at someones feet. The news is filled with it, the church seems to run by it, but Christ has delivered us from it. The truth is that if sin made babies blind no one would be able to see.Self-righteous people needing to blame others for where they are, or how life has turned out never releases the one who is in bondage. Let's remember that satan is the accusser. Let's remember that Jesus has taken all the blame and thus He comes to open our eyes.The real question is what conversation do we want to have? Who's to blame or Who's to Praise?Jesus was and is the end of the "Blame Game."  


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