Take a little Time!

 Every believer must learn the value of daily fellowship with the Father. Too often this foundation is not taught at the beginning of ones Christian experience. The amazing grace that we all receive for the forgiveness of sins and the joy of the Presence of the Holy Spirit needs to be nurtured by daily fellowship with the Lord Jesus.Every Christian I know strives to live their best against a world that is filled with opposition, but the truth is that we each need His strength in order to daily live in His will. I truly believe that every Christian should be instructed in the secrets of the mystery.  Christ is in us and He will continue to renew His Grace in us every day. We must however give Him time, fellowship with Him is an absolute must if we are to be transformed by His Grace."Come unto me,... and I will give you rest. Let me teach you,...and you will find rest for your souls." (Matt. 11:25-30). The Lord will teach us and that instruction will give rest to our souls. That rest is the very amosphere of His Life. His way of teaching is simply that we follow Him, walk with Him, and spend time in fellowship with Him.Teaching people to have daily fellowship with the Father is my primary goal! All it takes is a little time, walking and talking with Him.In Fellowship with Him,Pastor Quintin


Any old bush will do!


Make "Room" in Your "INN"!