The First Commandment!

The Lord your God will cleanse your heart....

so that you will love him with all you heart an dsoul

Deut 30:6

I have often wondered how we are to keep the first commandment? And then I realized that it is the same way we are saved---through faith alone! Paul reminds us, "...the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." (Galatians 2:20). When I stop and reflect on this I come to know again and agan the strong desire that God has for me. He longs to love me.

It is far to easy to forget that not only did God love me but that He still loves me, like a Father loves a child. Once you and I believe that, we will wait on Him and ask HIm to allow His light to shine into our hearts. As the sun gives light, so God is a hundred thousand times more willing to give us the very light of His love.

As I wait before the Lord I become stronger in my own faith. He fills me with His Love with His Spirit and my faith is renewed, and my love is freshed, and my faith is soaring.

Take time, today, right now to love God. To believe Him to strengthen your faith. He greatly desires your love. He longs to share His love with you even more deeply.

Living in Daily Fellowship with the Father,



Without Love....I am nothing!


Eat Well!