Eat Well!

I was eating my toast this morning, enjoying the fresh bread and of course the plum jelly! The smell of the bread, the texture of the grain, everything about it was wonderful. In that moment I realized just how important bread is to my life.Bread is essential to life. We all understand this! No matter how healthy a person may be, if he or she does not eat they will eventually grow weak and die. The same is true concerning the Word of God. Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”Bread must be eaten. The bread does me not good unless I eat it. You can give it to others. You can have it in your house, but that alone will not help you. You must eat the bread. Likewise, it is not enough to have a general knowledge of the Word of God, or to listen to preaching. Thinking about the Word is good, but we must feed on God’s Word, take it into our hearts and lives.Bread is a daily requirement. If you don’t eat every day you cannot be healthy. To be strong and healthy spiritually you must feed on God’s Word daily. I beleive that God sent His Word to heal you. Go ahead enjoy the Real Wonder Bread.Yeah, I enjoyed my toast! And I enjoyed the Word of God this morning… take a moment and eat well!


The First Commandment!


Any old bush will do!