Walking His Way!!!!

We have been called to a highly personal, interrrelational, dynamic way of living... following Jesus is never boring or predictable. It will most certainily involve your emotions, your will, work, friends, enemies, seductions....it will include illusions and elections!Everything in your world will come into play as we let go of everything to follow Jesus. We are not allowed to compartmentalize anything.... no, everything is in this. Whether you are walking to school or walking on water the main focus is who you are following! Where ever He commands you, you  can walk....As I woke up this morning I realized that following Jesus in not a walk in the park. First of all it is not that short, not that confined. Secondly, it is not that smooth. There are not many sidewalks on this walk. And thirdly, I very sheldom have been about to see across the park.No ours is a like-long journey. More like a life-long apprenticeship! Perhaps if we walk long enough we will run, and perhaps even began to soar, (well at least it is a nice thought, and it has Biblical basis Is. 40). However, I'm not sure that is the point of the excercise. Oh, did I forget to mention this walk will be excercise. In fact it will become down right work. There will be days when you will need a spiritual protein shake or two when the days walk is over. The good news is that you will be in shape in no time at all. Just Keep walking!Everything in our culture is designed to help us succeed in our chosen profession. We can take courses or buy books on how to be a better salesman, on politics, business of any kind, education, manufacturing, medicine, sports, etc.... All of them give us skill and motivate us to accomplish our goals in our fields of interest. We embrace the ways and means that are given to us and we employ them as we move towards our destination with great anticipate that this is the way.Caught up in accomplishment of our goals of this life we often times lose sight of the goal of eternal life. And let me quickly point out that I'm not really talking about life after this one, but rather the "real life" of every human being that is available every moment of his or her life. That 'Zoe" life that is really the source and sustaince of life whether now or post earthly.To really live is to live in and through the very source of life. To live eternal life in ordinary time! Now that is a real goal.Jesus is the Way! .... The only way to live eternal life in ordinary time!It appears as though the society, the culture, the people been de-souled! In the midst of their ordinary, mundane lives they have become comfortable of the emptiness of real life.Jesus is the "way, the truth and the life." It would appear to me that you can't have truth, or life, unless you embrace "the way."Yes I am walking through this season of Lent. It is the way in which I can recapture the walk of Jesus! I hope you join me the next couple of days..... Let's find our way! Lets find His Way!


Taking another look at "THE WAY"
