Taking another look at "THE WAY"

The “Way” of Jesus is all about loving and saving people,, and this “Way” is very personal. It is not etherial, or abstract or disembodied. No, it is down and dirty, flesh and blood, relational and incarnational, local.... it is very, very personal.Jesus came and lived this “Way” in the midst of a culture not unlike the one in which I am living in right now. His “way” was very cross-cultural! The culture was impersonal, organized, lots of guidelines and rules were in place. The crowd mentality ruled the public debate.Even followers of Jesus, people trying to live the “way” could get caught up in the crowd mentality of the culture and lose their way. The “ways” that dominate our culture have been developed over a long period of time and have invaded nearly ever aspect of our lives. And yet into that culture Jesus came walking cross culturally!Today we have compartmentalized our faith. Jesus of course affects the way we do religious things, but that is about as far as it goes.We as Americans have developed a culture of acquisition. Our entire economy is based on our willingness to consume. Thus the easiest way to attract people is to offer them a product that they desire. This is the American way.In contrast to this “way” Jesus came asking us to give everything away. I am convinced that we are often hindered in our walk by the baggage of this world. Our need to possess many times hinders our ability to enjoy life.His way, is to give, to give, to bless! We are not called to be consumers, we are called to be consumed by His Presence. In His Presence we conceive within our hearts the fruit of our relationship. Fruit that we give away to a world that is hungry and thirsty for something that they can never buy.If we give ourselves to Him, He can sow seeds in our lives that will produce the reality of Heaven in and through us. His “way” will lead us to “truth.” The “truth” that will free us from this culture.He speaks simply and clearly to us, I AM THE WAY! Perhaps we need to take another look at the One who is THE WAY!




Walking His Way!!!!