Do I love God?

Does God love me? Do I love God?God is love! Always and forever! God will always love you and me! He loves sinners and saints! He will never change, He will always love! Contrary to religious people who think you and I must earn His love, I know that He loves us simply because it is His nature to love.The fact that He loves us, however does not answer the question of whether we love Him or not.Do I love God? Now that is a question that requires a moment of thought.My answer, of course, is yes! I do! The real question is what does it mean for me to say that I love God? Does it mean that I’m perfect? I don’t really think so! So what does it mean?Do I love God! Again I shout out YES, YES, YES!I love my wife, so I try to do the things that she wants me to do and I try not to do those things that disappoint or harm her.  If I love God then I must respect Him at least as much as I do my wife.I love Him enough to spend the time finding out what He desires! Searching His heart, through His Word, through prayer, through the counsel of others who love Him.I know that He wants to be my only God. In other words I can have no other Gods, but Him, (Ex. 20:3).If I love God, He must be first! To put it another way, or in His words, He is a jealous God.For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: (Ex. 34:14).Do I love God! Yes, Yes, Yes!Matt. 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt. 10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of meNo one but God, No one but Jesus has done for me what He has done! He bled and died and rose again for me. I love Annie (my wife), I love my children, but He is God, beside Him there is no other!!!To love God is to place God above all else, that’s how He loves us! Above all else, above His own life, He chose us. We must love Him the same way! In our world it seems to be OK to have other things, other gods, that can stand equally with God.Grace, Grace, Grace.... yes of course it is by Grace! But listen carefully:Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. Psa. 119:165The law convicts me of my sin, my falling short of His glory. His Grace restores me and revives me. It causes me to love Him, with a love that loves His law and understands what He desires for me.I can never stand proudly in my shortcomings, my sin and boast! That is pride.“God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6No, I stand in the reality of my weakness and ask for His grace, mercy and help that I might overcome my self and be completely consumed by Him."What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we do died to sin live any longer in it?" Romans 6:1-2 " we also should walk iin newness of life." (4)Does God love us? Yes, so much that He died for our sin! So we could walk in "newness of life."Of course everyone wants to define sin! What is it? Is it this or that? Sin is living “independently”..... Independent of God’s instructions of His desires. His Word is clear, “no other Gods.” His Word is clear!Do we love God? Yes, of course!Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble. Psa. 119:165I love Him therefore I love His word.... And His Words are clear! They are not confusing!Do we love God enough to humble ourselves before Him, confess our sin and follow Him and not ourselves? Well that requires that we “follow Him.” And not our own ideas about Him!Do I love God? Again, YES YES YES....The real question of the hour is 'DO I OBEY GOD'? the  


The Strength of Love!


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