Learn the language of the Kingdom!

Teach me to stop and listen, Teach me to center down, Teach me the use of silence,Teach me where peace is found.  Teach me to hear Your calling, Teach me to search Your Word,Teach me to hear in silence, Things I have not heard.  Teach me to be collected, Teach me to be in tune, Teach me to be directed,Silence will end so soon.  Then when it’s time for moving, Grant it that I might bring, To every day and moment, Peace from a silent spring. (Ken Medema) “.... the supreme task of the church is to listen to the Word of God” (Elizabeth O’Connor)Prayer is the language of the Kingdom. A language that is learned by listening to His Word.  Like any parent waiting for the first word from a young child, the Father waits to hear us speak. The God of Heaven longs to hear from us! To speak in His native tongue, to call Him ‘Abba’. He longs to be in a loving relationship with you ..... with me. A relationship that can grow and develop as our language skills improve. My children and now my grandchildren watch, listen, they meditate on my words. And slowly they begin to articulate their desires to me. Papa, Papa.... those words bring joy to my heart. A heart that is filled with desire to embrace, protect and supply whatever they need.Yes, “prayer” is the language of the Kingdom, the language of our Father. This language is learned in silent mediation upon the Word of God. Take time to learn the language today. It will enlarge your relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Do I love God?


Consumers or Consumed.... which one are you?