Awaken to the promises.....

The smell of my coffee, the dance of the dogs on the frosted grass, the smell of autum in the air -- I’m alive! Breath, the breath of life is a gift that we should never waste, enjoy or take for granted. The ability to sense and to reflect is so human. To feel the cold, to know that the season is changing and to anticipate the rythum of His grace.Awaiting the rising of the sun. To watch the colors as they shout out look, "look at my fading glory and know." Know that there is a glory that never fades. A beatuy that remains eternal, there is a promise of eternal beauty that neither  fades or falters. The sounds, the smells, the sights of life all moving towards that collision of eternity that’s what I sense.Like the morning it is a moment away. I wonder how many are up…. listening, waiting anticipating the promise this day.___________________________________________________________ For all the promises of God in Him are Yes,  And in Him Amen, to the glory of God…2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJThe test of the validity of a promise is its performance. In Luke 1:45 we are told in essence: “…There will be a fulfillment of those things promised you by the Lord.” So, standing on a promise from God is not mere wishful thinking or clinging to an impossible dream. A promise from the Lord carries with it its own assurance of fulfillment. In Numbers 23:19, the writer says of God: “…Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” NKJ.But between promise and performance is a time frame marked patience. It is harder to wait than to move. It is easier to run than to stand still. Waiting for an answer that seem unnecessarily delayed is not really to our liking.Patiently waiting is valuable because the Lord has instruction for us. While we are waiting, He has our attention. We are ready for correction … reproof … personality adjustment … lessons in obedience. In our times of waiting we learn that we cannot program God, instead we must place our total trust and reliance in Him. We come to realize that the Lord is our sole source of supply.The benefit of the patient time is two-fold: 1) we receive the answer, which is so encouraging to our faith, and 2) we learn valuable lessons of trust and reliance. We learn the power of confessing the promises of God and of obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Not only does a promise assure an answer, it also assures us of valuable instruction in the school of faith.


Be Grateful!
