Which Day?

This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:2NKJWhich day? Today, yesterday, tomorrow, last week, really, seriously which day is he talking about? That is the real question, right? Admittedly the Lord has had some good days.It all began with the day of creation when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job 38:7).There was the day of rejoicing when Israel was led out of bondage in Egypt. When David talked about it he said, of the Lord: “...he brought forth his people with joy and his chose with gladness” (Psalm 105:43).That truly was a day of deliverance. But it was not the greatest day. The day that Jesus was resurrected from the dead was an awesome day. The anguish of the disciples, the sorrow of the women, the gloom of the crucifixion was all replaced by the joy of finding the empty tomb. “....then were the disciples glad, when they saw the (risen) Lord. (John 20:20).I remember great days in my own life. Days where God revealed His salvation to me. Days of baptism and healing. I love the day that is set aside every week to worship the Lord in the house of God. And I look forward to the day the Lord returns to claim His Bride, the Church.Which day? There are many special days! But in reality it is today. “This day” is the day to rejoice, celebrate, and be glad for the very life that the Lord has given you.




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