Good Morning -- Lord!

Information about the sun rising or the fog lifting never makes me “high.” No it is the experience of the sun warming my face and my eyes making out the mountains through the fog that causes my heart to be filled with wonder. A wonder for life, for creation, an awe for the One who has made and sustained this moment, this environment for my pleasure. Yes, it is here surrounded by His Presence that my imagination opens to the - yet to be seen - realities that can never be understood by another lecture or another book.It is here in the mist of the fog, in the rising sun that I know. I know more than I did when I started this day. I know Him in a way that is beyond words. A way that supersedes even what my flesh and blood can absorb. I know Him in that place called “unknown” and in the “mystery” of Love.Can any one man ever grasp the fullness of God? Somehow I doubt it. And yet a man can be filled with His fullness! In this moment my understanding is suspended and my imagination is enlarged. Perhaps it is in our imagination that we come to experience the greatness of the One whom our minds will never fully understand.A child exercises his imagination long before he sits down to learn any of the axioms of a formula. As I sit here and watch the clouds of the day dissipate I wonder which makes me a richer man. The formulas that i’ve learned and applied or the God that i’ve encountered in the beauty of His Creation.As my mind drifts back or forward (I can not really tell) I realize that these moments have shaped my soul. These moments of encounter; beyond human explanation are what has  lifted my heart upward or brought my head lower; these moments have changed my life. They have been and continue to be the transforming tools of the masters hand.I am certain that information will follow. Filling in the voids; the question that only an enlarged heart can ask. My stretched imagination will once again reach out further than it ever has to understand this God that has created so much.The green leaves now reach up to stroke the fog. It’s like they are waving good morning to the great beyond. Somehow I know that creation is excited. Excited to greet me! I sense that they are watching me as intently as I am watching them. Do you think they know something I don’t know?Maybe Paul was trying to tell us something when he said, For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]. Rom. 8:19The birds sing an arrangement that though unknown to me seems to be awakening the woods. Like a call to worship every thing seems to be coming to attention.Me too! Everything is on high alert.... every fiber of by being is sensitive to the life of the One who loves me. Here in His Presence I am more alive than ever. I can see, see in my imagination what He has purposed, what He has planned! Hope, Peace, Joy, a sense of knowing that is not found through intellectual pursuit but rather only by relational encounter that opens ones sense of imagination.Good morning.... Lord!




Why I love all things "Celtic"......