Suddenly in the depths of my own broken heart the sweet solace of the spirit soothes my broken soul. The comfort that I need for my comfortless pain ebbs its way from His embrace inward, deeper and deeper until I can no longer sense the pain.  My breath seems shallow, my pulse increases as I anticipate the peace that is about to surround me.There it is, that peace, that rest for which I’ve sought. I had almost forgotten how it felt. There is nothing that can compare to His Presence. Fear fades, into the distant shadows. Light shimmers on the walls of the cell of my own imagination. Soft images of light now dance through this sacred space and I realize that He is holding me very close. Face to face we are, thoughts are disappearing, time is dissipating, the future is hear now and there is no more need to fear.“Good morning my love, I’m here, right here.” I hear His voice, but like honey, I can taste His words. Hearing them calms me, and as I swallow... there is this knowing that my craving is at long last being meet. “I am here, I am always here.”I get it or at least for this moment, I get it! His Kingdom is always here, it is always accessible. This Kingdom of the Spirit whose substance fills all space is never far away. It is I that get entangled in other kingdoms. I get caught up in the dominion of other systems, other principalities and powers. I forget that His Kingdom is the one, the only one where I belong.As I close my eyes I see! I see the illusion of our human attempts of find that which has found us. To chase after what we already possess is futile and yet we do. To try and achieve what can only be received has wearied many a soul. But here, in this moment that “eternity” for which I have sought is once again flooding my body and soul.I am alive! Eternally, abundantly, without fear, I can breathe again.Remember this, I whisper, remember this. In those times when you feel alone, remember He is always here, right here. Remember ..... don’t forget, slow down and let Him hold you!It’s His Kingdom and I am His beloved!“Rest, rest in Me! Your rest reveals Me.” I’m fading, slipping deeper into this embrace! Lost in the love that has no borders. This Kingdom is so vast .... it’s everywhere, it’s here. Everywhere I look I can see....! The scales are gone! I can see!His beauty, His goodness, His truth is everywhere! Restoring and renewing every created thing. The world is being filled with His life. No more shadows! Color, brilliant, vibrant color.... beams of it!Prayer manifests His Presence




Good Morning -- Lord!