The community of His embrace....

“...he will gather the sheep in his arms...” Isaiah 40:11We were created to be together; to live in His embrace. His embrace is the gathering of all of His children. We were created to be a part of a family, a community, of the Lord’s children. It is interesting to me that my own personal solitude always causes me to yearn to be with God’s community. I don’t mean an organization or an institution, I mean family, the people who have received His grace and live empowered by His Spirit.It is not easy to live in family or God’s community. I have found that within the community of grace there is always that person that you least want to live with. Why? Because Jesus came for the least of us. In the eyes of other people we might be that person.Sometimes it is a challenge to experience the love of the Father in the midst of the family gathering. We each want individual attention! We each want His presence to be centered on us, that’s why it is only within a community that you can really know His embrace. It is not all about you or me, it is about all of us.He came, and still comes to us. This is the season that we should celebrate His appearing by gathering together and receiving His embrace.


What are you waiting for?


Blessed are the poor!