What are you waiting for?

“This is the Lord whom we have waited for....” Isaiah 25:9My Dad used to ask me all the time, “what are you waiting for?” Far too many times we are waiting for the stars to line up or the check to come in the mail or a smile, before we do whatever it is we need to do. “What are you waiting for?”THE LORD IS WHOM WE HAVE WAITED FOR.....We must realize that He has come! His coming has made everything possible for those who believe. Our trust is not in the things of this world but rather in the One who made and reconciled this world. We don’t need to be waiting on anything. Christmas is a time of remembering He has given us everything we need to fulfill the purposes of our lives.... !We must seek God’s voice and allow His word to penetrate our hearts with faith. He will give us the assurance that we need to do what we have been called to do with our lives. There is nothing that we lack, nothing that we need. We can accomplish what He has put in are hearts to do.We don’t need to be waiting for anyone or anything, Christ is with us and therefore we can accomplish anything!Merry Christmas!


Guide me into your truth...


The community of His embrace....