MIGHTY GOD, so much better than superman!

“And His Name shall be called.....Mighty God.” Isaiah 9:6I remember being impressed with the power of Superman, Batman, Spiderman, even the best of all Mighty Mouse. Somehow it is wired into every little boy to be in awe of “might or great strength.” However, it doesn’t take very long until you realize that you may not have all the “might” that you really want. As you “grow up” you become aware of those areas of life where you are simply weak!We have all come to know that life is demanding. And that we are not always able to meet those “demands.”  Sometimes we feel like giving up and running off to hide somewhere; but through Jesus Christ, we can face life courageously and have the strength we need to stay on the job and conquer every challenge.When Jesus ministered here on earth He revealed himself as the Mighty God by the miracles that he performed. Isaiah goes on to say, “And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them. (Isaiah 19:20). That same might is given to us when we believe that Jesus is the Savior and Lord of our lives. Paul tells us to be, “...strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power. (Col. 1:11). To be, “...be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Eph. 6:10). And then of course there is my personal favorite;I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13).Immanuel, the Mighty God has come to empower us so that we would be well able (just like the children of Israel) to respond to the demands of life and receive all the promises of God.Christmas is so much bigger than the baby in the manager. Christmas is also the reality that Christ has come into our hearts to remove the dullness (Wonderful), to make decisions (Counselor), and to respond to the demands of life (Mighty God).So the little boy in me is still in awe of the strength of Christ that lives in me. He is so much better that all the super hero’s put together.Again, His Coming is the greatest gift of all time!Merry Christmas! 


Everlasting Father!!!


His Name is Counselor!!!