Everlasting Father!!!

“And His Name shall be called....Everlasting Father.” Isaiah 9:6Have you ever heard someone say; “Nothing lasts forever.” Well that is simply not true! There is a dimension of life that is eternal. There is a “life” that is EVERLASTING! And the Good News is that "You and I" were created to live in that kingdom.Solomon wrote, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts,...” (Ecc. 3:11). In our hearts there is a knowing, a longing if you will for eternity. Eternity is the kind of life and living that will allow us to live in our fullest and highest potential as  a child of God.The beauty that we long for, the joy, the life that satisfies is found only in this eternal dimension. This dimension that Christ announces as, "The Kingdom of God," is really the original atmosphere where we were to function.This child was born without the aid of man, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. His birth was of another dimension. Jesus comes so that we can be born again, into an entirely different dimension of living. There is a “God-kind” of life that has no beginning and no ending. A dimension where there is no time, no aging, no tears, etc....A place where we will know that God is always and Eternally “Our Father.” The Great “I AM” is the one who gives and sustains our lives forever. Christmas is the celebration of the opening of the doors of heaven that we might enter into this other Kingdom, that we might simply return to the dimension that we were created to live in.The Father and those whom He has adopted.... His Family .... that will last forever!"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16(NKJ)Merry Christmas




MIGHTY GOD, so much better than superman!