"The Striking Appearance"

Epiphany -- “the striking appearance of the divine.” He spoke and the light appeared! Creation followed the light!“In Him was life and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4).The “Life” wrapped Himself in flesh and came into the midst of creation. God revealed Himself to us so that we could have the “light” that would allow us to be re-created! Today we celebrate the manifestation of the Christ in our lives.Some people remember the “Wise men” and their gifts! They came to give gifts to the King. In their giving the identity of the child was revealed.Some remember His baptism by John, as He entered into our lives, He embrace our circumstance and entered the water. He identified with us in every way.In fact both events help us to recognize the identity of the child of Mary. The carpenters son was more than many suspected. This child born in Bethlehem was more that a Christmas story.Christ is more that a story to be celebrated once a year and then forgotten. Christ is appears, makes Himself known so that creation can be "re-created." He has come so that all things can become "new"I hope that we do more than remember the events in history. I hope that we bring our gifts (ourselves) to the King. I hope that we allow the King to enter fully into our lives.It is in these two things that we will continue to experience the Presence of the Light (THE LIFE OF GOD) in our lives. In is here in these things that creation is made whole. It is in the bringing of ourselves and in the receiving of the Christ that “Light” breaks the darkness and Life overcomes death.It is here that miracles begin! Water is turned to wine. The lame walk. The blind see! The dead will rise! The enemy is defeated! Sin is destroyed!It is now that the Kingdom is at hand!Today is the day of His “appearing.”This (and every day we are given) is the day the Lord has made: "Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Let us sing and dance and shout out loud: "Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised!"May we follow the led of Mary! “Let it be, Lord Let it be!”


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