Read the Directions!!!

A few nights ago I could not sleep, (not that I didn’t want to).  I have been “getting over” whatever this stuff is that we are all “getting over.” I was confessing, and praying and now I was laying there reading my Bible (digitally), almost mechanically, when the words jumped of the screen, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17 NIV).  I know I have faith. I know there are times when it is palatable and times when it's not, but I don't doubt faith. I closed my eyes and opened my hears, “what was the word of Christ saying to me?”I got up and went to my study and dug around on my shelf until I found the Bible I wanted. Several years ago (more than I want to tell you) I had spent some time studying health and faith. I remembered something that the Lord had spoken to me and I had written it down on the inside cover of this Bible!“When a doctor gives you medicine, the directions for taking it are on the bottle. The Word is my medicine and the directions are in it!” I quickly turned to Proverbs chapter four:Prov. 4:20 My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Prov. 4:21 Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; Prov. 4:22 For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.There they were, four “directions” for taking God’s “medicine.”First, ATTEND! I must give undivided concentrated attention to God’s words as I read them.Second, INCLINE THINE EAR! To incline my ear would indicate a humble teachable attitude. I must lay aside my own preconceived ideas and receive with an open mind what God is saying to me.Third, LET THEM NOT DEPART FROM THINE EYES! I must keep my eyes focused on God’s words. I must not allow them to wander to statements from other, conflicting sources, that do not align with the Scriptures.Fourth, KEEP THEM IN THE MIDST OF THINE HEART! Even when the actual works are no longer in front of my eyes, I must keep meditating on them in my heart, thus retaining them at the very source and center of my life.God’s Word is “life and health.” You can have the “medicine,” but if you don’t follow the directions you won’t necessarily get the desired outcome from the prescription. In keeping with my own personal experience with God, there was not a sudden or dramatic change. I have not experienced what would be called a “miracle.” But after following the directions, I could sense “faith” coming and growing stronger. Slowly little by little I could sense a change.In Romans 10:17, Paul says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Christ).” Paul uses the word rhema not logos (the Word) when he writes this verse. This is important because it indicates that hearing is the results of a spoken word. In other words, faith comes or grows when we hear --- a living voice speak to our hearts. In 2 Corinthians 3:6, Paul says, “...the Spirit gives life.”If we “pay attention” to the Scriptures the Holy Spirit will speak to us personally. The Word will become a living voice. The Word will become flesh! The Word will unite us with God. If we follow the directions the words on the page will become --- a life giving voice. The flesh, matter will always respond to the literal voice of God. Through rhema (The Spirit) the logos (The Word) is infused into our lives.ATTEND!INCLINE YOUR EAR!LET THEM NOT DEPART FROM THINE EYES!KEEP THEM IN THE MIDST OF YOUR HEART!If we follow these simple directions our hearing will change. It will become Rhema, an individual, direct, personal, living word from God. It will have a specific purpose for a specific situation! Of course this assumes an ongoing, relationship with God.I do want to point out that A rhema that is given to one believer may not be appropriate for another. He is directing our lives specifically. Secondly, it may not be appropriate for this stage in your journey. A rhema word is always personal.Jesus reveals how we are called to live continually dependent upon God’s "voice" when he answered satan, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word (rhema) that proceeds form the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4). The word “proceed” is in the continuous present tense, which means literally “proceeding.” We are called to live in an ongoing conversation with God. I could say that we are to live energized by “the breath of his mouth,” (the Holy Spirit). This is our “daily bread” -- always fresh, always “proceeding.”Faith comes by hearing .... fresh words life from the Holy Spirit. These are the directions for receiving God’s Word. “they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.”I am well aware of the idiom “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but maybe you can remind him of some....!I was reminded that we can not take our “faith” for granted. We must continually “pay attention” to God’s Word. I have been reminded to “follow the directions.” Keep feeding myself with the “living conversation.”


Live in the "Question"!!!!


"The Striking Appearance"