
“To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives. The closer we come to the heartbeat of God the more we see our need and the more we desire to be conformed to Christ. William Blake tells us that our task in life is to learn to bear God’s ‘beams of love.’” (Foster)Change, we all would like to see change, in ourselves, in others, or at least in the world around us. David wanted changed, Martin Luther demanded changed, John Wesley searched for change. There were many before us who longed for change just as we do. It is said of George Fox that “Above all he excelled in prayer...”Prayer proceeds change. All change, no matter if it’s personal or cosmic begins and ends in prayer. We can jump up and point out the wrongs of the world. We can cower in our own shame or we can enter into the prayers of the Saints. Change is and has always been the results of prayer.If it is in prayer that we learn to be "beams of love." It seems to me that we should take the time to learn something about it.  There certainly are a lot of other beams being swung around out there.You can change your life starting today. Right now.... Go ahead! Start talking to the Lord. See there is change! You stopped ---something to pray! Good for you!I recently heard a coach shout “if you can’t run a mile don’t jump into a marathon.” I have prayed, I have led prayer, and taught prayer. The main thing that I find is that people expect to pray a full marathon before they can run a mile.Just try jogging this morning!  You'll change! The world around you ... well lets talk another day!


The Christ-Formed Life


The Season of the Supernatural!