The Christ-Formed Life

So everyone knows that “gravity” holds us to this spinning planet. Without gravity we would all be flung out into space never to be seen again.Most of us grasp the importance of maintaining a “center of gravity.” Even walking requires a sense of understanding the “center of gravity.”Maintaining this “center” is what empowers athletes. If they do not instinctively know how to use the “center of gravity” their performances are affected.I believe that your “imagination” is the “center of gravity” for your life. If your imagination is formed and shaped by the Kingdom of God then your identity and life will follow the King’s design. We were created in the “image of God," therefore we are “image-bearers.” The image that we bear flows out of the center of our imagination.Far to often we have surrendered our imagination to the world and not to the Kingdom of God. If the “center of gravity” shifts even slightly it affects our ability to live abundantly. The culture has great power to form our imagination, I believe that we need a serious response to this attack on our imagination.  A “counter-formation” of our imagination.We are entering into the season of the Lord’s Passion! This is a great season to find the “center of gravity” within our own imagination. This is a wonderful opportunity to allow our imaginations to be recalibrated by the “Story of Christ.”I have watched too many Christians lose their sense of “gravity” and go flying through space. Every year God has called us to remember His Passion, to remember the death, the burial and the resurrection of the Christ.We who were created in the image of Christ and who are called to be image-bearers need to take time to be Christ-Formed people.We are called to live a “Christ-Formed Life.”Paul tells the Galatians, “My little children, for whom I am again suffering birth pains until Christ is completely  and permanently formed (molded) within you.” (4:19)The “center of gravity” for us is the “formation of Christ.” I want to encourage every believer to be pro-active this year in the formation of Christ in you. Which as Paul reminds us is “the hope of glory.” (Col. 1:27).I am going to be ministering on the “Christ-Formed Life” beginning Sunday and moving towards Resurrection. I hope you get to follow along on our journey of reforming our imagination around Christ.


The "passion" of one Pastor!

