ADVENT.... "Waiting"

Advent is a time of waiting. We are waiting for Jesus to come to us. The season of Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas, and as we take time to prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth long ago in Bethlehem, we think about the different ways God still comes to us today.The themes of Advent are "watching and waiting, preparing and trusting." I hope you enjoy the daily devotions that we have prepared for you over the next few weeks. I truly believe that as you set aside time for daily devotions, you will prepare yourself for a truly Great Christmas.Is. 40:31...But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;Advent, reminds that there is great value in waiting on the Lord. As we wait the Lord leads us form our self-imposed prisons of past failures in relationships, misunderstandings with others, or perhaps our harsh belief systems. We have followed after things that have kept us in bondage far too long. The accumulations of possessions, power, and prestige often keep us from paying attention to the neglected or destitute of our communities. As we wait the Holy Spirit works on our rationalizations.So we wait for the appearing of our Saviour. We wait for help from Him who can help us cut through our false values, false pride, who can unveil our false self.We wait for someone who not only knows our weaknesses but who, through the strength of His love can help us overcome.We wait for the One who forgives our failures and inspires us to continue to live in His Love.Christ is coming! And the anticipation of His coming makes our waiting worth the wait.




A Moment with Manny!