
Matt. 24:46If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.Recently as I walked out of my hotel in New York City I heard a young man who was very upset. He was explaining to the Officer that he had just ran inside to deliver a package and when he returned his bicycle was gone, stolen.He continued to say that he was only gone for a few seconds. He lamented about how busy he was delivering packages all the time. The Officer nodded and said it would only have taken 30 seconds to have locked the bike up. “Well,” the young man replied, “if I had only know that a thief was going to come by ….”Matthew reminds us that Jesus told us to watch and wait for his coming. No one knows when that will be, not even Christ. It will be a surprise. In the midst of our very busy and important lives we need to take time to prepare for His return.We need to be watching and waiting. He will come again. He came the first time to reveal His Love. We must realize that He comes to us everyday.He presents Himself through other people. People that He asked us to care for. People whom He said, “If you do it (Love them) you have done it unto me.”Are we watching and waiting?


ADVENT ... Walk in the Light!


ADVENT.... "Waiting"