He called me Friend!

Every now and again we find ourselves in a place where we've lost focus. Maybe we've simply given too much output without enough input. Maybe we're so busy that we've become distracted. I've met many believers in that place, in fact I've been in that place personally. God always calls us back to the place of friendship.In John 15:15, Jesus tells His disciples, "I no longer call you servants... Instead, I have called you friends." Of course we're all suppose to serve Him, however, God has called us deeper -- to the place of friendship, a place where a mere servant is not allowed to go. We must make sure we have not settled for the role of a servant, when God has offered us His friendship.It's time to renew the intimate friendship. Christianity, in the end, is never really about what you know, or even what you do, -- it's all about who you know!




Be Filled with "His" Ability