As the mist of mercy rises.....

As I watch the fog lift from the river and rise up to meet the sky, I am filled with stilled wonder at the mystery that I am beholding. Two atmosheres seem to be silently meeting over the water between the majestic mountains and there before my eyes something beautiful is happening. Unexplainable and yet understood I watch as these two atmospheres are joined together.  Some how the Mercy of Heaven appears every moring and brings it's freshness to humanity.Slowly this canopy disappears and the world reappears, the river contines to run and the Sun continues to rise! Life moves forward and the day begins. But the preceeding mystery has taken place even without being noticed by most of those who have now risen to enjoy the beauty of this place."It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." (Lam. 3:22-13). Silently as the day breaks the Lord bestows "mercy"! James reminds us; "...Mercy triumphs over the judgment." (James 2:13). Without fanfare it happens, two atmospheres collide in time and space. Sin and grace clash upon the cross, unoticed the Son of God bestows mercy upon humnaity. Daily, the fresh manna fell from Heaven, and daily His mercy descends upon each of us. Available as it may be it remains unotice and thus unreceived. Beauty that is missed is a life that is lost.My mind now transcends this place and I wonder.... do two atmospheres meet when we come to worship? The Church is know for many things. But is she known for where "two atmospheres colide. Can the mystery of two atmosheres being joined being seen.Is she famous for her mercy? Is this her reputation? If people are in need of mercy do they think of the church? Sinners were attracted to Jesus, why? I think it is because they found mercy. Two worlds came together and Mercy triumphed.I want to see the mist fill the church.... that unexplainable reality of the meeting of two worlds. In that cloud of the unknown, where business takes place that no one sees, but that all benefit. And when it lifts life, abundant life moves forward.... the past removed the future beackoning us forward, forward toward the fullness of this day.Without "fresh mercy" there is no way to enjoy today, tonite; nor is there hope for tomorrow! Thank you Lord for the beauty of your Presence that continues to unfold in the garments of your creation. 


Monday's "To do list"
