
Have you ever had a day that changed your life?Unexpectedly, out of nowhere, this day unfolded in the cathedral of creation that has altered my soul. An old friend and new friends exposing me to a part of God's handiwork that I never knew existed!Majestically the mountains seemed to stand pointing to the sky, a sky  so blue that my focus was drawn upward to someone greater than I could imagine.   The trees seemed to be raising their branches in praise and worship of this one beyond my sight. The whisper of the wind moving through the upraised branches filled the atmosphere like the stringed instruments of skilled musicians. Hidden from my sight came the distant cries of the winged creatures singing notes that I had never heard. The ripple of the water calmed my troubled soul. And thus down the center isle of this cathedral I and three other souls moved towards some distant alter.There in midst of nature I realized that someone great had prepared this day for me. Yes, the Divine Creator had  designed this great hall of worship to enlarge my soul to receive the breath of life that only He could provide.My lungs expanded, my heart beat and my spirit gave witness to this unexpected moment. Then, as if on cue, an unfamiliar sound began to call us forward. Drawn down this corridor of beauty we moved faster toward this roar of authority. Suddenly there on the horizon, the water rose and rushed towards us like the waves of an ocean that come crashing upon the beach.With the expertise of an experienced worshiper my friends anticipated the coming crescendo! Suddenly we were caught up in the power of the river, and the knowledge that only the mercy of the one seated above was now in control.The pounding in my chest shouted out.... "you are alive...this is living, this is what you were created for! I want you to enjoy all that I have made... it is here that you will know Me with a knowing that you will never fully understand."Then as soon as it began it ended. The faint ripple of the water returned, the whisper of the wind and notes of the birds soothed my soul again. With an upward glance I knew I was closer to the one seated above the blue.Joy unspeakable .... I had sung it. But oh the joy that filled my soul, my only response was laughter. Yes, laughter! In an instant healing permeated every fiber of my being.This day my life would be enriched. I would be changed!Alive... yes alive with His life, what a surprise!


Follow the Leader!


Monday's "To do list"