Follow the Leader!

I was raised on a Kansas farm during the sixties and we didn’t have much television not to mention iphones or video games. In fact most of our entertainment was self produced.Long summer days were filled with joy and laughter as we climbed trees and swam in the pond near our house, (don’t tell my Mom). All of which was the results of our imagination. I am certain that my life is richer because of this imagination.One of our favorite games is one that we all have played called “follow the leader.” I don’t have to describe it to anyone. We all know that the only point of the game is to imitate the one who was designated to lead. Whatever the one leading did ... you did. If you were leading you would do the most bizarre things ... take sudden steps to the left so on and so forth. Jump out of the tree house, ( I don’t recommend this, the consequences are, well lets just say I still remember.)I was the oldest so my trick was to go places and do things that my younger siblings were afraid to do. The problem with that is that my little brother was not afraid of anything. If I could do it he was determined to follow. My sister was then trapped into doing it because after all she was older than he...I know, I know it was cruel, but every eldest male child is a bit, oh well never mind. I was reminded of this little game as I watched  my two grandsons play. If Bubba did it Zeke was soon to try. They did not know it but Bubba was teaching Zeke the art of being a boy. Bubba didn’t have to say anything, just do it and Zeke would imitate him. Failure would bring laughter and success produced praise. What a great way to teach a child. Zeke never took his eyes off Bubba. He is so focused on his big brother.I was sitting at my computer this morning when I had this box pop up on the screen, “you now have a new follower on twitter.” I had to laugh! I doubt that following means that same thing in this context.....My mind raced back to simpler times on that Kansas farm. I can’t help but wonder if the “new follower” will be really follow. I pondered for a moment about Zeke’s ability to focus. The lesson is obvious.For a follower, “focus” is the key! If you don’t pay attention you will miss the lesson. It appears that our idea of “following” is not always associated with “focus.” You can follow someone and not really pay attention.I recently had someone remind me of that truth. It was a great truth to recover. “Focus on who you follow.” Only as you focus will you be able to discover the real potential that you’ve been entrusted with. The idea being a follower more than just "tagging along".Jesus came saying, “Follow Me.” The oldest, the “first born” came saying “watch me" --- pay attention.  We as humans will never unearth our true ability unless we follow Jesus. He will lead us into places and do things that we will never know we can do unless we “focus on who we follow.”Those who left it all to follow could never have imagined where that journey would take them. As he moved towards the cross each of them had to decide for themselves if they would follow. They had to stay focused.The cross would bring them to the end of themselves  as they understood and to the beginning of a better version of themselves. Only in following Jesus can we discover who we were created to be.... the calling today is the same as it was when Jesus first came walking along the shores of Galilee. It’s the same as it was in the summers of the my childhood. It’s identical to Bubba and Zeke playing in my basement.“Follow the Leader,” “Focus,” “Pay attention.”Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14:12)One of my Dad’s favorite things to say was, “pay attention son, watch what I do.” That was his way of teaching. It was not his expounding on a subject but rather it was his doing. I would watch, then I would do it with him and then I would do it....“Focus on who you Follow.”Recover this truth and you will recover your life.


Now I'm Stepping In!

