Now I'm Stepping In!

Last evening I challenged some friends of mine! As I was moving through my own early morning routine I wondered about the word challenge, so I looked it up. To challenge - means to invite into competition! I think I used the wrong word. I did not intend to invite any one into a competition.Whatever the meaning of the word, my intent (as flawed as it was) moved my own heart this morning.  I don’t know if any one will accept or not, but as I arose this morning I decided to accept it myself!You most likely are now wondering “what did he ask of them.” Simple, to dedicate themselves to read the scriptures, to daily pray and to journal. Sounds easy right.... ! As easy as it sounds there are few who live by this simply discipline.I decided to journal over the next 21 days in the hope that It might be of encouragement to others.Zig Ziglar once asked me this question; “Is there anything that God has told you to do that you are not doing? If so when will you start?” That was a good question then and it remains one now!So here it goes! I generally use the Common Book of Prayer as my guideline and add other helps along the way! The following are the notes that I wrote in my journal and then the meditation that I wrote out of those notes and additional reading.Tuesday -- November 5, 2013“So will I always sing the praise of your Name, and day by day I will fulfill my vows! (Ps.61:8)Lord grant unto me the desire and the energy to sing of your praise all day today. I realize that only as I praise you will I be empowered to fulfill the vows, the commitments that I have made to You and to others. Let your praise be my strength to Live fully today!“How wonderful is God in his holy places! the God of Israel giving strength and power to his people!  Blessed be God.” (Ps. 68:36) Give Your strength to your people. To those for whom I pray, for those whom I forget to pray for .... strength your people! Strengthen me!“The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of HIs Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” (Rev. 11:15)As I meditate on His Word I am filled with the reality that there is nothing outside of His control that today is the day that the Lord has made. His reign is complete and though I may not see it in the natural, “it is so.”So today as I walk the steps that He has given to me my I know that it is in His strength and it is His Kingdom in that I live and move and have my being.“Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him. Let them vanish like smoke when the wind drives it away; as the wax melts at the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.” But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; let them also be merry and joyful.” (Ps 68:36)Thank you for Your Word Father. Thank you for speaking to me! For preparing me to live today in the strength of your Presence, for moving wickedness out of my life, and for open up Your Kingdom for me. Now may I walk in a manner that gives You Honor. Amen!_____________________________________________________“Now I’m stepping in,” GOD says. “From now on, I’m taking over. The gloves come off. Now see how mighty I am.Is. 33:10 Wow talk about positive statement! Filled with authority and with resolve! The spiritual condition of the nation of Israel was not very good! In the very midst of this mess Isaiah called upon the Lord for help.In verse two Isaiah asked, “GOD, treat us kindly. You’re our only hope. First thing in the morning, be there for us! When things go bad, help us out!” In verses five and six he declares what will happen if people would only lift up the Lord. “GOD is supremely esteemed. His center holds. Zion brims over with all that is just and right. GOD keeps your days stable and secure—salvation, wisdom, and knowledge in surplus, and best of all, Zion’s treasure, Fear-of-GOD.”It is in response to this prayer that the Lord responds with verse ten; “Now I’m stepping in, ... From now on, I’m taking over.... Now see how mighty I am.”The key to every victory is to praise and magnify the Lord just as the prophet Isaiah did. We cannot make the Lord any bigger than He already is by our words. He already fills the heavens and the earth (Jer. 23:24). He is our strength, the kingdoms of the world have already become His Kingdom. We don’t “increase” God with our words, but we can “decrease” Him.When we magnify our situation and our problems, we minimize the Lord and His ability to help us. When we magnify the Lord with our praise, we actually minimize our circumstances. The key to our personal triumph is to recongize and declare that the Lord is bigger than any problem we are facing. We do this by praising Him, worshipping Him, and quoting His promises.Is. 33:22 For GOD makes all the decisions here. GOD is our king. GOD runs this place and he’ll keep us safe.




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