Guide me into your truth...

“Guide me into your truth....” Psalm 25:5Truth does not come from the media of the 21st century. I’m no longer surprised when things turn out better than they were forecasted by the evening weather man. It is no real surprise that what CNN, ABC, FOX or NBC reports to us is really not the whole truth.Jesus said, “In this world you will have troubles, but cheer up for I have overcome the world.” The ‘truth’ is that whatever is going on in the world God has already equipped us with the strength to not merely survive but thrive in the midst of it.Christmas (Advent) should serve to remind us that the “Good New of great Joy” was announced to “all” people many years ago. That is still good news today and it is the truth. God has come into our world. God has entered into the flesh of His own creation in order to set things right.He entered into this world and confronted the Evil one. Armed with His Divine Goodness, He went about doing good and healing all....  Good won! Good still wins. There is an old orthodox philosophy that says "what is good, true, & beautiful" is God.  Christmas should remind us of all that is "good, true, and beautiful." Jesus the baby born in Bethlehem.Have a great Saturday and let Jesus be your guide.


Do something .... while you "wait"


What are you waiting for?