Christmas did and still can change the world....

For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, Rom. 8:3The ten commandments, the 613 laws of 39 books written over 1500 years by over 30 authors was too weak to do it.“GOD DID IT BY SENDING HIS OWN SON...”The Son born of a virgin, did what the law was powerless to do. The Son reunited Creator with creation. The Son would end the separation between God and man. The Son would remove the condemnation of humanity.Christian’s generally know the story of the baby, the manger, the angels and the shepherds. However, what is lost is that the birth of Christ changed “everything.” The reality that the “Word become flesh” is the greatest announcement that man had ever heard.Suddenly “matter mattered.” All matter! God got within matter and changed it! Not just any matter, God become the least, the lowest, a helpless dependent child.God humbled Himself and become someone that most of the world would never notice. He associated with people that most people despised. He comes to each us in our weakest moment. His coming was the birth of hope and joy for every man, woman and child. His birth changed the future of us all.When all the laws were powerless to see justice accomplished. When all the laws failed. Christ was be born through the purity of a virgin. The angels sang, the shepherds and the wisemen bowed.And Paul wrote; “God did it by sending His own Son.....”Christmas did and still can change the world!!!


All "matter matters"!


Do something .... while you "wait"