All "matter matters"!

“...being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.(Phil. 2:8)Christ humbled himself! God lowered himself! God stepped down from the throne and became the least, (a child) of men. When you realize that God became a man, it begs the question, “what type of man did God become.” He could have become any type or kind of man, but Scriptures tell us that he became a “humble” man.He reveals that the first truly becomes last, that he came not to serve but to be served. He came to redeem the outcast, the marginalized, the ones that other despized. Jesus declared, “Blessed (happy, ato be envied, and bspiritually prosperous— cwith life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions) are the poor in spirit (the humble, who rate themselves insignificant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!”  (Matt 5:3) AMPBlessed are the “insignificant”! The ones who are dismissed, despised and desgarded.When Christ became flesh he revealed that “matter matters.” “God who is a Spirit” has come into matter. You see with Christ “all matter matters.” People who didn’t matter matter.“All matter” red, yellow, black and white are precious in His sight. (Grandma taught me that). God came to restore dignity to every life. Every human being is worthy of respect, because every human being has been given divine dignity.Christmas is the celebration of that restored dignity. The manger scene itself shouts to us that all creation matters.In the midst of a culture that has lost respect, perhaps we should try looking at one another through the eyes of Christ. “...he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross.”He was silent in the manger, but on the cross he said; “Father forgive them (all of them) for they know not what they do.”In the light of Christmas and the shadow of the Cross we should all be “people loving people” because matter matters!


"You did it to Me..."


Christmas did and still can change the world....