"You did it to Me..."

Matt. 25:40 And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.“You did it to Me...” The way we respond to those around us is a telling reality of the way we love and respect God himself. I think we are called to “give respect, give dignity and value” to every human being. Jesus made it very clear that when you serve those whom some part of society has labeled as "insignificant" with love and respect you did it to Him. I am convinced that the answer to many of the challenges of our society is to treat every one with respect.Jesus came and restored “dignity” to every human being. Every human being is created in the “divine image” of God, therefore we should honor every person. The Church, the people of God are called to minister unto the “least of them.”Everyday I am grateful that He came and gave me his love and mercy. I am one of those who were in great need, I was one of those who was "lost, least, and low". In light of Matthew chapter 25, we should pause and reconsider the very words we choose and the actions we take.Jesus came to us, he humbled himself, lowered himself so that he could serve us. We are now called to go forth and do likewise. And remember He said “you did it to Me.” Don’t forget who you are serving?Rather than entering into the social debates or the political battles, perhaps we should simply live the life that Christ called us too! I believe we should follow the instructions that he made very clear in the twenty fifth chapter of Matthew's Gospel.One act of love did and still can change the world. But first we must allow ourselves to be changed by that love.


Make Room for Him...


All "matter matters"!