Ancient Future Bishop, Excerpt
Throughout my life, every time I have faced a challenge, I have discovered a friend. The most important friendships of my life have been stepping-stones out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Good News of Great Joy!
Joy, happiness is found not in “things” but rather in the relationship with the One who makes all things work together for our good.
Three Living Streams
Ecclesiastes 4:12 "...a chord of three strands is not easily broken."
Did You Say, You Know the Pope?!
The title of my book falls inline with the idea of meeting a friend of a friend and how different friendships have shaped my life.
Book Publishing Time!
Even as I write that title for this blog a few nerves stir in my stomach. My book is at the publisher. You would think the nerves would be gone considering, I have published nine books previous to this one, but such is not the case.